Sunday, May 4, 2014

Fat lip

I have a fat lip, my right shoulder has a dull ache, my right knee feels like it has marbles inside it and my ankle, I don't want to talk about.

It was the best day of practice I've had in a while. Practice defined as a full dedication of self to a specific moment, so as to sharpen a skill.

Practice, since I was eighteen has about been devotion, a sacred time. In my youth I would challenge those who didn't bring the same reverence and timeliness to practice. I would punish them. A rash practice of youth. Practice should be enjoyed.

Yesterday was a revivification of true Practice, true exploration. It reminded me that I can practice alone. It reminded me that I can use work or a dinner conversion as practice. I can fully dedicate myself to a specific moment. It reminded me that pushing myself is a good thing.

Let's hear it for practice. My kind, not Allen Iverson talkin' about practice -

I'm talking about real practice.

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