A great reminder from CRT class yesterday. I learned the same lesson as I was teaching a student earlier in the day. Forward intention. My Manu and my Sifu both say similar things. In SEACA we say, "lean forward." in CRT they say, "forward intention."
The point is to engage from a place of balance and that your weapons, natural or otherwise are going forward. For Kalista, "a charged tip," is a fundental tools upon which an elegant flow can begin. A great lesson in martial arts and a great lesson in life. It's the sitting back that gets us hurt, or cut.
Not to say that you won't get hurt or cut when you're, "leaning forward," you just won't be a victim if you do.
(Note: I'm a student here: http://www.seattlecrt.com/ and I teach a form of SEACA Systema. SEACA Systema is Southeast Asian Combative Arts Systema. It comes from the Philippines, Indonesia (Java, Borneo, the Celebes). The Southeast Asian Combative Arts are known by other names: Kuntao, Kali, Pentjak Silat.
We teach the natural linkage and relationship between empty hand skills and weapons. Therefore the SEACA Systema is a complete martial arts system that develops many different types of skills for combat.)
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